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Nerpa nuke sub completes third stage sea trials

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MOSCOW (BNS): Russian-made nuclear attack submarine Nerpa, which will be leased out to India by the end of 2009, has concluded its third stage of sea trials in Far East Russia.

“The submarine is in a good state of readiness and there is confidence that it will be commissioned on time,” Vyacheslav Shport, governor of Khabarovsk Territory, where the nuclear sub underwent trials, was quoted as saying by Ria Novosti on Wednesday.

The vessel was damaged by a deadly mishap on November 8, 2008 during its trials in the Sea of Japan. The trial was resumed on July 10, 2009 after extensive repairs on the submarine.

After completing its trials, the 12,000-ton K-152 Nerpa – an Akula II class nuclear-powered attack submarine – will be commissioned in the Russian Navy and then leased to the Indian Navy as INS Chakra for a period of 10-years.

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