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Liam Fox visits Eurofighter combat aircraft office in India

Eurofighter is one of the six contenders in the Indian Air Force (IAF) deal

NEW DELHI (PTI): Pushing for the sale of Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft to India, British Secretary of State for Defence Liam Fox has visited the aircraft manufacturer's office here.

During his visit, the Secretary met senior company management and underlined Britain’s strong support to the Eurofighter Typhoon campaign to win India’s tender for 126 Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA), the Company said in a release Tuesday.

Britain is one of the four partner nations in the Eurofighter programme along with Germany, Italy and Spain.

Fox was given a presentation on the current status of the M-MRCA programme by Cassidian Air Systems CEO and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eurofighter Bernhard Gerwert.

Eurofighter is one of the six contenders in the Indian Air Force (IAF) deal expected to be worth over USD 12 billion for procuring 126 fighter jets.

American F/A-18 and F-16, Russian MiG 35, Swede Gripen and French Rafale are the other contenders in the race.

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