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Aero India 2025

Indian Navy test fires BRAHMOS missile

A BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile being test-fired from the Indian Navy's frontline guided missile destroyer INS Mormugao. Photo: PTI.

NEW DELHI (PTI): A BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile was successfully test-fired from the Indian Navy's frontline guided missile destroyer INS Mormugao, officials said on Sunday.

The missile firing demonstrated the Indian Navy's firepower at sea, they said.

"INS Mormugao, the latest guided-missile destroyer, successfully hit 'bulls eye' during her maiden BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile firing," a Navy official said.

"The ship and her potent weapon, both indigenous, mark another shining symbol of 'AatmaNirbharta' and Indian Navy's firepower at sea," the official added.

The location of the test-firing of the missile is not immediately known.

BrahMos Aerospace Pvt Ltd, an India-Russian joint venture, produces the supersonic cruise missiles that can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft, or land platforms.

BRAHMOS missile flies at a speed of 2.8 Mach or almost three times the speed of sound. India is also exporting the BRAHMOS missiles. In January last year, India sealed a USD 375 million deal with the Philippines for supplying three batteries of the missile.


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BRAHMOS Missile Systems


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