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India, Bangladesh review defence ties

Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane with his Bangladeshi counterpart Lt Gen Waker-Uz-Zaman, Principal Staff Officer, Armed Forces Division, at a meeting in Dhaka. A PTI Photo

NEW DELHI (PTI):  India and Bangladesh have reviewed their defence cooperation and expressed satisfaction at the increasing engagement in the sector.

The two sides on Monday deliberated on various aspects of the defence ties at the fifth annual defence dialogue that took place in Dhaka.

The Indian delegation at the talks was headed by Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane while the Bangladeshi team was led by Lt Gen Waker-Uz-Zaman, the principal staff officer of Bangladeh's armed forces division.

In the dialogue, both sides deliberated on the significance of the future course of the relations between the armed forces of the two sides.

"During the meeting, the ongoing defence cooperation activities between the two countries were reviewed and both sides expressed satisfaction at the increasing defence cooperation engagements," the Defence Ministry said.

"The talks covered the existing bilateral exercises and both sides agreed to increase the complexity of these exercises," it said in a statement.

It said Aramane and Lt Gen Waker-Uz-Zaman acknowledged the "fruitful dialogue" and stressed that both countries look forward to continued engagement based on the common understanding reached at the dialogue.

"The armed forces of both countries continue to seek bilateral cooperation in multiple fields and the increased engagements are a positive sign for the future of the relations of both countries," the ministry said.

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