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China plans to install space antenna in Argentina

An unrelated photo of a space shuttle model

BUENOS AIRES (AFP): China is studying plans to install a satellite dish in Argentina for Beijing's space program, a local official has said.

"China sent a delegation to Argentina to study the possibility of constructing an antenna for its space research," Adolfo Italiano, director of planning and technology for the Neuquen provincial government in southwest Argentina said Wednesday.

He said Chinese engineers offered few details but indicated an interest in Argentina for the space program.

In addition to Neuquen, the delegation visited other provinces, including Rio Negro and Mendoza and also travelled to Chile.

It is not known when the Chinese government will make a decision.

Beijing is considering launching in 2011 a space module, Tiangong-1, viewed as an important step towards the goal of a manned space station.

In 2003 China became the third country that sent a man into space with the Shenzhou-5 mission.

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