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Aero India 2025

Chandrayaan spacecraft mounted on PSLV

Last minute preparations are underway for India's first moon mission

CHENNAI (BNS): The Chandrayaan-I spacecraft has been moved to the vehicle assembly building (VAB) of the second launch pad in Sriharikota as hectic preparations continue for India’s October 22 date with space history.

The spacecraft was moved to the VAB on the midnight of October 13/14, according to officials of the Indian Space Research Organisation. M Annadurai, project director of Chandrayaan-I says, “The spacecraft is being assembled on top of the vehicle now.” Initial tests to ensure connectivity between the spacecraft and various ground controls are underway, he said.

The spacecraft is being mounted on the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C11), which stands at the 83-meter tall VAB. Annadurai said there were no issues and “if the weather permits the launch will take place on October 22.”

ISRO officials said the 52-hour final countdown to the October 22 launch will start at 4 am on October 20.

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