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Brahmand World Defence Update 2013

In the present-day world, which is plagued by several anomalies, including terrorism, domestic strife, proxy war, aggressive efforts by few powerful countries to establish military supremacy and a volatile global economy, preparing a nation to meet any contingency - both internal and external - has taken the centre-stage. Emerging threats to global security are forcing a reassessment of military concepts, structures and technologies. Against this backdrop, countries worldwide are significantly bolstering their military and security capabilities; reforming and modernising their armed forces in order to defend themselves against all adversaries.

Brahmand World Defence Update 2013 aims at providing a comprehensive assessment of the present day global military order with a focus on each nation's military capabilities, new arms acquisitions and defence spending along with detailed strategic information on some powerful countries. The yearbook covers about 113 countries and provides latest updates on each and every country's political leaders, military inventories, resources, procurements including budget & expenditure data.

In brief, Brahmand World Defence Update features a fully updated Country-by-Country representation of the Armed Forces of the World, including: Geopolitical Situation, Economy, Statistical Data, and Defence Budget; Strategic Analysis; Structure of the Air, Land, and Naval Forces; Defence Equipments in service and in order; Defence Production and R&D, and Procurement Programmes.

The database also provide detailed strategic analysis 30 important countries selected from each continent/region with key focus on their geopolitical/geostrategic importance, defence capabilities, imports & exports of armaments, defence budget trends etc.

1. Algeria          11. India           21. Saudi Arabia

2. Australia       12. Iran             22. South Africa

3. Brazil            13. Israel          23. South Korea

4. Canada         14. Italy           24. Taiwan

5. Chile             15. Japan          25. Thailand

6. China            16. Malaysia      26. Turkey

7. Cuba             17. North Korea  27. UK

8. Egypt            18. Pakistan       28. USA

9. France          19. Qatar            29. Vietnam

10.Germany      20. Russia         30. Venezuela

Overall, the book provides the potential market entry strategies for business opportunities and acquisition of military hardware and identifies top companies in the defence industry.

To buy the book(s) and become a subscriber you may contact our publisher- PENTAGON PRESS ( or click here to buy online.

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