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BrahMos shines at DRDO Technology Day Awards 2010

Dr. AS Pillai receiving the award from honorable Defence Minister of India

NEW DELHI (BNS): Dr. A Sivathanu Pillai, the father of BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile programme, on Tuesday received a special award for the successful Indo-Russian Joint Venture during the DRDO Technology Day Awards function here.

BrahMos Aerospace CEO and MD, Dr. AS Pillai, was given the special award for the Joint Venture in keeping with the spirit of the ' Year of Collaborations' the organisation has been celebrating.

BRAHMOS supersonic cruise missile is a precision strike weapon already inducted by the Indian Army and Navy.

The missile is not just a transfer of technology but mutual production and upgradation of technology so as to ensure that the country become self-sufficient in supersonic strategic missile capacity.

India’s premier Defence Research and Development Organisation gives away award every year to acknowledge the scientific and technological excellence of its men.

BRAHMOS Missile Systems


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