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Aero India 2025

Boeing to deliver 268 AH-64E Apache attack helicopters

The Apache multi-role attack helicopter

MESA, ARIZONA (BNS): American aviation major Boeing has announced that it has received a contract worth $3.4 billion from the US Government to deliver a total of 268 AH-64E Apache multi-role attack helicopters to the US Army and to an undisclosed international customer.

The five-year contract is the first multi-year agreement for the latest Apache "E" variant of the attack helicopter.

While the US Army will receive 244 remanufactured Apaches, 24 new ones will go to the international customer, the company said.

Boeing builds the Apache helos in Mesa, Arizona.

Deliveries of the "E" model began in October 2011. Seven customers outside the US, including India, have ordered this variant.

Including this latest version, the US and 15 other countries have relied on the Apache during the past three decades, Boeing said.


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