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BAE Systems seeker performs in first multi-kill THAAD test

THAAD Weapon System. A Lockheed Martin photo.

KAUAI, HAWAII (BNS): BAE Systems' infrared imaging seekers detected two short range ballistic missiles for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) weapon system flight test programme conducted at the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai.

During the test carried out in September, the first THAAD intercepted an air-launched short-range ballistic missile target and a second THAAD missile intercepted a sea-launched short-range ballistic missile target a short time later, a BAE Systems statement said.

Since 2005, the programme has completed 12 flight tests, with nine-for-nine intercepts, it added.

The THAAD seeker programme is delivering seekers to the US government for the second production lot, which is comprised of 48 interceptors.

"This was the THAAD weapons systems' first opportunity to demonstrate a multi-target engagement," said Fred Olszanakyj, seeker production programme manager for BAE Systems in Nashua, NH, where the THAAD seeker was designed and is being built.

A contract for the third production lot is expected in the first quarter of 2012, as is the first of several anticipated foreign military sales contracts, the company said.

In addition, BAE Systems is participating on the Lockheed Martin lead team competing for the design and production of the next generation missile defence interceptor, called the standard missile three - Block 2B.

The THAAD system is designed to defend US and allied forces, population centres, and critical infrastructure against short to possibly intermediate-range ballistic missiles.


US  THAAD  BAE Systems  

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