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BAE Systems contracted to begin armoured multi-purpose vehicle programme

A BAE Systems photo

LONDON (BNS): The US Army has awarded BAE Systems a contract worth up to $1.2 billion for the Engineering, Manufacturing, and Development (EMD) and Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) of the Armoured Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV).

The programme aims to provide the US Army with a highly survivable and mobile fleet of vehicles that addresses a critical need to replace the Vietnam-era M113s.

The initial award is for a 52-month base term, valued at approximately $383 million, during which BAE Systems will produce 29 vehicles across each of the variants. The award also provides an option to begin the LRIP phase immediately following the current EMD phase, at which time the company would produce an additional 289 vehicles for a total contract value of $1.2 billion.

The AMPV capitalizes on proven Bradley and M109A7 designs, meeting the Army's force protection and all-terrain mobility requirements while enabling the AMPV to maneuver with the rest of the Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT).

The maximized commonality within the AMPV family of vehicles and the ABCT will reduce risk and provide significant cost savings to the Army, the Company said.

The BAE Systems AMPV team includes DRS Technologies, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Air Methods Corporation, and Red River Army Depot.


US  Army  BAE Systems  Vehicle  Military  

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