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Arianespace ready for second launch of 2011

The Ariane 5 for Arianespace’s upcoming mission with Yahsat Y1A and Intelsat New Dawn approaches the Spaceport’s Final Assembly Building, where it will be fitted with its dual-satellite payload. An Arianespace photo.

PARIS (BNS): Arianespace is preparing Ariane 5 for launch on 29th March with two satellite-systems - Yahsat Y1A and Intelsat New Dawn.

The heavy-lift Ariane 5 is now in the Final Assembly Building at Europe’s Spaceport, where it will be fitted with the dual payload of Yahsat Y1A and Intelsat New Dawn, the company said.

Once integrated on the launcher, Yahsat Y1A will be in the upper position of Ariane 5’s dual-payload “stack,” with Intelsat New Dawn located as the lower passenger.

Yahsat Y1A is the initial telecommunications relay spacecraft for Al Yah Satellite Communications Company (Yahsat), built by an industrial team of EADS Astrium and Thales Alenia Space.

With a payload of Ku-, Ka- and C-band transponders, the spacecraft will provide coverage over the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Southwest Asia.

Intelsat New Dawn is the first-ever African private sector communications satellite, with the mission of supplying critical communications infrastructure for African customers.

Intelsat New Dawn will deliver wireless backhaul, broadband and media content – which are the fastest growing satellite-based applications in Africa.

This satellite was produced by Orbital Sciences Corporation and is equipped with C-band and Ku-band transponders.


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