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Air Forces of India, Oman begin 'Exercise Eastern Bridge'

NEW DELHI (BNS): The seventh edition of Exercise Eastern Bridge between the Indian Air Force (IAF) and Royal Oman Air Force has commenced in Oman from today.

The IAF contingent comprising MiG-29s, Jaguars and C-17s is taking part in the bilateral exercise which seeks “to enhance interoperability between the two nations’ air forces and provide a platform for both teams to engage in a series of joint training missions designed to strengthen strategic cooperation and operational readiness,” an officials statement said here.

The Exercise is scheduled from 11 to 22 September 2024 at Air Force base Masirah, Oman.

“Exercise Eastern Bridge VII aims to improve tactical and operational skills, foster mutual understanding and bolster the ability of both air forces to collaborate effectively in diverse scenarios.

“The exercise will include complex aerial maneuvering, air-to-air and air-to-ground operations, and logistical coordination, reflecting the evolving defence needs and strategic interests of both nations,” the statement added.

Underscoring the enduring partnership between the Royal Oman Air Force and the Indian Air Force, the exercise highlights their commitment to regional security and stability.

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